Guideline for Resident and Visiting Monks

The main purpose of the Hermitage is to provide a conducive place for study, practice and realization of the Dhamma (pariyatti, paṭipatti, paṭivedha). The emphasis is on seclusion, simplicity and individual practice. In order to protect such an atmosphere, bhikkhus are advised to follow the following guideline:
Monks wishing to stay at Samaṇadīpa are expected to follow the rules of the pāṭimokkha, especially the rules regarding money (nissagiya pācittiya 18-20).
It is asked to send a prior request to stay here as a guest.
Usage of mobile devices (phones, tablets, computers) and internet access are limited.

Hermits at Samaṇadīpa also take the following Teaching of the Buddha as their main guideline for the monastic life (Extract from Sutta-Nipāta, Tuvaṭaka Sutta (4:14.7–20)):
He should restrain his eyes
and close his ears to village-talk.
He should not be greedy for flavours
and should not consider anything in the world as “mine”.
Whatever he experiences,
a monk should not be distressed due to it.
He should not strive after existence,
and he should not be shaken by fears.
Food, drink,
things to eat and also clothes:
he should not hoard what he has received
and he should not be upset when not getting any of these.
Meditating instead of roaming around,
refraining from worry,
he should not be negligent.
Also, a monk should dwell in places with little noise.
He should not sleep too much,
he should be devoted to wakefulness, ardent.
He should abandon sexuality, together with
indolence, self-deception, fun and games.
He should not practise magic rituals, the interpretation
of dreams, auspicious signs, and also astrology.
He should not practise animal-communication,
help with fertility or healing.
A monk should not be agitated by criticisms,
or be self-satisfied when praised.
He should dispel greed, together with
stinginess, anger and divisive speech.
He should abstain from buying and selling.
A monk should not insult anyone.
He should not linger in the public,
he should not chat to people in the hope for getting something.
A monk should not be a boaster,
he should not speak words carelessly.
He should not practise impudence,
he should not say argumentative things.
Being aware, he should not lie or deceive.
Then also he should not have contempt for others
because of their way of living,
understanding, virtue and rules they follow.
Being provoked, having heard lots of speech
from other contemplatives or ordinary people,
he should not retaliate with harshness,
for those who are peaceful do not make enemies.
Having understood the Dhamma, a monk, making examination,
ever mindful, should train himself.
Having understood that abandoning is peace,
he should not be negligent of the Buddha’s message.
Indeed, this unconquered conqueror is one who sees the Dhamma
through his own experience, not by hearsay.
Therefore being heedful and always paying homage,
he should train himself in line with this Blessed One’s instructions.