The Community of Samaṇadīpa and Hillside Hermitage

Bhante Ñāṇamoli Thero
The General Guardian
He was born in Smederevo, Serbia, in 1983. He took anagārika precepts in UK in 2005, sāmaṇera ordination in 2006, and Upasampada in 2007. Ajahn Ñāṇamoli is the author of Meanings and Dhamma Within Reach. He regularly provides teachings on "Hillside Hermitage" YouTube channel. Previously he lived in various forest monasteries in Europe and Thailand, before spending over 8 years living more secludedly in the mountains of Sri Lanka. In 2021 he moved his Hermitage to a new and more secluded location in Slovenia with the help of Samaṇadīpa Sangha.

Bhante Kondañño Thero
Currently in Poland
He was born in 1976 in Poland. In 2007 he took anagārika precepts in Chithurst Monastery, UK and a year later became samanera. In 2009 he was admitted into the bhikkhu sangha in the Upasampada ceremony in Amaravati Monastery with Luang Por Sumedho as his preceptor. His monastic time has been shared between living in monasteries and hermitages in Europe and Asia.

Bhante Ṭhāniyo Thero
He was born in Cape Town, South Africa, in 1981. He became a bhikkhu in 2010. Previously he lived in various forest monasteries in Europe, before spending over seven years living more secluded in the mountains of Sri Lanka.

Bhante Phāsuko Thero
He was born in 1980 in The Netherlands. He became a bhikkhu in 2014, living in international branch monasteries of Wat Pah Pong. He has been living at Samaṇadīpa Hermitage since 2019.

Bhante Anīgha
He is from Panama, born in 2000. He took on sāmaṇera precepts in 2020 and became a bhikkhu in 2021, in the Galduwa Forest Tradition of Sri Lanka.

Bhante Ñāṇadīpo
He was born in 1987 in London, UK. He took on sāmaṇera precepts in early October 2020 and bhikkhu ordination in July 2021 at Samaṇadīpa Hermitage.

Sāmaṇera Nandako
He was born in Šempeter pri Gorici, Slovenia, in 1994. He took on anagārika precepts in July 2022 at Samaṇadīpa Hermitage and novice ordination in July 2023 at Hillside Hermitage.

Sāmaṇera Samiddhi
American, was born in Delaware in 1999. He took on anagārika precepts in August 2023 and novice ordination in May 2024 at Samaṇadīpa Hermitage.

Sāmaṇera Bodhicitto
He was born in Noyon, France in 1994. He took novice ordination on July 2024 at Samaṇadīpa Hermitage.

Sāmaṇera Tejanando
He was born in London, UK, in 1999, he took on Sāmaṇera precepts in December 2024 at Samaṇadīpa Hermitage.

Anagārikā Medhini
She was born in Ireland in 1995, she took on anagārika precepts in July 2022 at Samaṇadīpa Hermitage.

Anagārikā Dhīrā
She was born in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1985, she took on anagārika precepts in July 2024 at Hillside Hermitage.
lay residents

Hiriko - Primož Korelc
The FOunder and the legal representative
Hiriko was born in 1985 in Ljubljana. He was a Buddhist monk for 18 years, mostly abroad. In 2016, he founded the Samanadipa Monastery and served as its abbot until 2022, and now he works as a representative of the monastery. Hiriko is also known for his contribution to Buddhist literature. He was the chief editor of Path Press and the author of two biographical books: "The Hermit of Bundala" and "The Island Within," as well as a translator. In addition to his dedication to Buddhism, Hiriko actively engages in personal exploration and development. He is currently a psychotherapist, using Buddhist, existential, and logotherapy approach

From Russia. From 2021 he is the lay assistant at the Monastery.